Test your net speed.

Accurate net speed test and analysis

Spot Matter

Complete visibility and control over your Internet service provider, router, and internal network to identify the root cause of slow speeds and buffering issues.
Bold Option

Use data-driven intelligence that will help you get the best internet plan for your business or personal use, ensuring you have the right amount of bandwidth for any of your online activities.
Rise Effort

Prioritize activities online to be most productive. Remove delay so video calls happen in real time, files move quickly, and working as a team online is as seamless as in person.
Fast Espial

Get alerted about possible internet interruptions on time. Netbolt is used on a regular basis to find out problems and then correct them before they affect your work online.

We at Netbolt ensure the online experience is seamless. Given the importance of knowing what your internet can handle, we have created our own internet speed test tool.
Go beyond basic checks. Our test goes further than other diagnostics by assessing your download, upload, and latency to give you a complete look at your Internet. That way, you have the power to know what to look for in a service from your internet provider.
Insights, not just numbers. Our tool does more than just tell you your speed; it will uncover where internet bottlenecks could occur and then recommend how to optimize your internet for the best performance.